
Dedication to A Scripture: To the Avatamsaka Sutra

On Venerating the Avatamsaka Sutra

Excerpted from Admonitions for Monastics
By Meditation Master Wensui of Suizhou’s Dahong Mountain

Homage to my master teacher Vairochana, the Kindly Venerated One of the Flower Treasury. 
You proclaim the golden text and the jeweled verses, unfolding scrolls of sutras kept in book sachets. Objects for the senses lap onto land upon land, perfectly interpenetrating. 
The One Vehicle of the Perfect Teaching, the Flower Ornament Sutra with Greatly Proper and Extensive Discourses by the Buddhas (the Flower Ornament Sutra), contains 10,095,048 characters. 
Anyone who wishes to know the Buddhas throughout time should contemplate the nature of the Dharma Realm -- everything is made from the mind alone.

So may I, always make offerings to and pay respects to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas throughout the seven places and the nine assemblies.

May I always certify to and proclaim the Five Explanations of cause and effect and the Four Divisions of the Flower Ornament Sutra.

My I always make offerings to the multitudes of Bodhisattvas as many as dust motes in 90 lands without pause.

May I always awaken to and proclaim the Flower Ornament Sutra with Greatly Proper and Extensive Discourses by the Buddhas.

May I, furthermore, in life after and life and in any and every place, 
always see this Sutra with my very eyes,
always hear this Sutra with my very ears,
always recite this Sutra with my very mouth,
always copy out this Sutra with my very hands,
and always gain real insight into this Sutra.

May I, in life after and life and in any and every place,
always draw near all sages and worthy individuals of the Flower Treasury.

May I always be blessed, thereby gathered-in by all sages and worthy individuals of the Flower Treasury.

May I certifiably experience all states described in this Sutra.

May I emulate Bodhisattva Sudhana, Bodhisattva Manjusri, Bodhisattva Maitreya, Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, and Buddha Vairochana.

With the merit accrued from praising this Sutra and the making of these vows, 
may all four types of beings throughout the three existences of the Dharma Realm 
to whom I owe a debt of gratitude, 
dissolve their limitless karma of enmity that fill the Dharma Realm and space since time immemorial.

May all four types of beings throughout the three existences of the Dharma Realm  
to whom I owe a debt of gratitude, 
collect infinite blessings and wisdom that fill the Dharma Realm and space since time immemorial.

May we all travel the adorned sea of the Flower Treasury 
and together enter Bodhi’s great mandala.

Homage to the Flower Ornament Sutra with Greatly Proper and Extensive Discourses by the Buddhas.


南無毘盧教主華藏慈尊。演寶偈之金文。布琅函之玉軸。塵塵混入剎剎圓融。十兆九萬五千四十八字。一乘圓教大方廣佛華嚴經。若人欲了知三世一切 佛。應觀法界性一切惟心造。常願供養常恭敬七處九會佛菩薩。常願證入常宣說五周四分華嚴經。常願供養無休歇九十剎塵菩薩眾。常願悟入常宣說大方廣佛華嚴 經。伏願某甲生生世世在在處處。眼中常見如是經典。耳中常聞如是經典。口中常誦如是經典。手中常書如是經典。心中常悟如是經典。願生生世世在在處處。常得 親近華藏一切聖賢。常蒙華藏一切聖賢慈悲攝受。如經所說願悉證明。願如善財菩薩。願如文殊師利菩薩。願如彌勒菩薩。願如普賢菩薩。願如觀世音菩薩。願如毘 盧遮那佛。以此稱經功德。以此發願功德。願與四恩三有法界一切眾生。消無始以來盡法界虛空界無量罪垢。願與四恩三有法界一切眾生。解無始以來盡法界虛空界 無量冤業。願與四恩三有法界一切眾生。集無始以來盡法界虛空界無量福智。同遊華藏莊嚴海。同入菩提大道場。南無大方廣佛華嚴經。

1 comment:

  1. For your information, in Vietnam, Japan, China and Korea, Manjusri is also known as a God of Cat Zodiac. For example, Manjusri is a God Guard of people who born in 1987 (which is known as Cat zodiac).

    Thank you for your information, i very enjoy reading it. Have a good day!
