
Learn Rare Buddhist Teachings Firsthand!

Translate the Commentaries and Subcommentaries to the Flower Garland Sutra.

If we reach at least $791 by June 29, 2010, then We will translate the first fascicle of the Commentaries to the Sutra in one month.

Here is the preface to the Commentaries by a preeminent Buddhist monk who taught seven Chinese emperors:



The Preface to An Elaboration on the Meaning of the Commentaries to the Great Means Expansive Buddhas Flower Garland Sutra
By Sramana Cheng Guan of Tang Dynasty’s Avatamsaka Monastery, Qing Liang Mountain

The final teachings of the utmost supreme sage reaches the most ultimate and mystical in the singular mind’s mirror. By the candle, Bodhisattvas vastly and comprehensively proclaim the subtleties of these words. Though they may be forgotten in the zone of meanings interpreted, they are extensive like the sea of literary meaning. If you wish to know the elephant overall, you must begin by understanding its footprints; that way you will reach inexhaustible meanings. The principles to this text are said to be unattainable. Xian Shou grasped rather well the mystical intricacies contained in the Jing Dynasty version of the sutra translation; but those of latter generations were not able to peek into the profundity contained in the enchanting compilation of the Tang Dynasty edition o of the sutra translation. Cheng Guan does not accept superficial conjectures; instead he willfully expounds on its fine esoteric points which occasionally brim over the nine continents and soar above the four seas. There had been more than hundreds of speakers, I really do not mean much. The meaning of the great teaching is profound and the commentaries reach principles afar. By personally inheriting the instructions that are close to contemporary schools of thought, they become models who will last for millenia. Worried or confused over lofty awakenings, I hope that you will further dissect the principles so that we may behold its light and comply with their elegant intent. Furthermore, these principles are called the proclaimed meanings in the accompanying commentaries. People in the past said, “Things are easy when people are around; things are difficult when people are gone.” Hopefully these explanations today will reach those throughout lands and times. Though people come face to face with this text, they may grow weary of the passages due to their complexity or they may be blind to their source due to the simplicity of the text. Considering these difficulties, I shamefully compromised in the hopes that students in the future will not go astray in their understanding of the meanings.


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